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How do I register a used vehicle

The requirements for the application for registration of a used vehicle are as follows:

A duly completed application form RLV
Acceptable identification of the title holder and owner
The registration certificate concerned (obtained from the current title holder)
The appropriate fee
The following documents shall also be submitted as required by the situation:

If the tare has changed due to any reason, a mass measuring certificate. Check with the registering authority for facilities from which these certificates are accepted.

If the VIN/chassis number of the vehicle is not correct on the eNaTIS, go through the police clearance process before the registration is submitted. The completed form RPC must accompany the application for registration.

If required by the registering authority, proof of the right to be registered as title holder of the motor vehicle concerned. Such proof may be an invoice, a sales agreement, etc. It is advised that you phone your nearest call centre or registering authority to establish whether they accept or require any other document as proof.
The police clearance process works as follows:

Request form RPC from the registering authority closest to the vehicle; this form is printed from the eNaTIS with the current vehicle details

Take the vehicle and the RPC form to the police office indicated on the RPC form, make sure that the police complete their part of the RPC form.

VERY IMPORTANT: Take form RPC back to the authority that issued it, for completion of the process.

More Information on Drivers license Details

What Car Insurance Do I Need?

Statistics prove that driving can be dangerous, and drivers should safeguard against these risks by taking out insurance to meet their needs and budget from the 3 main types:

Comprehensive vehicle insurance which although most expensive provides the best cover and protection in event of accident, theft and, damage including flooding and fire.
Third-party fire and theft that, despite being less expensive and not covering car replacement, provides cover for damage caused by fire, theft and, hijacking.
Third-party cover, usually the cheapest in the market, only covers damage to other vehicles in the accident.
Remember that your car insurance won’t cover you for:

Normal wear and tear
Intentional damage
Loss or damage should you leave South Africa’s borders without the appropriate certificate from your insurer or broker showing you have cover outside the country.

What is Comprehensive Car Insurance? Comprehensive Car Insurance Provides cover for just about any form of financial loss related to your vehicle. Provides cover for damage caused to another person and their property if you are responsible for an accident.

What is Third party fire and theft insurance? Third-party fire and theft Car Insurance
Provides cover for damage caused to another person and their property if you are responsible for an accident. Covers you if your car is stolen or damaged in the event of a hijacking, theft or fire.

What is third party only cover? Third-party-only Car Insurance covers the damage caused to another person and their property if you are responsible for an accident. Does not provide cover if your vehicle is damaged or stolen.

Car Insurance for Under 25’sCar Insurance for Under 25s
If you are younger than 25 years of age and you’re looking to purchase Car Insurance you will soon find out that your age plays a big role in how companies assess your risk, and ultimately your premium.
